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University of South Florida


Led by Drs. Jennifer Bosson and Joe Vandello, our lab uses social psychological methods to research a wide range of topics related to gender.

Who We Are

Lab Directors:

Jennifer Bosson

Joe Vandello

Current Graduate Students:

​Jeongin Hong

RJ Kubicki

Greg Rousis

Becky Upton

Mariah Wilkerson

Roger Young


Visiting International Scholars:

Shera Malayeri (2022-2024), University of Bern, Switzerland

Tibor Bloch (2021-2022), Universitat Mannheim, Germany

Beril Turkoglu (2018), TED University, Turkey


Lab Alumni:

Rochelle Burnaford, Diablo Valley College

Andrew Caswell, Gannon Univesity

Roxeanne Felig, Gartner

Nadav Goldschmied, University of San Diego

Vanessa Hettinger, University of Wisconsin Superior

Jessica Jordan, Gartner

Elizabeth Kiebel, Triad Health

Sophie Kuchynka, Equity Accelerator

Kenneth Michniewicz, Muhlenberg College

Curtis Puryear, Northwestern University

Jonathan Weaver, Michigan State University


Current Research Projects


In The News

Click the headlines below to read about media coverage of our lab's research

Pressure to Prove Your Manhood May Shorten Your LifeGreater Good Magazine, Oct. 9 2023

The Real Manhood Crisis is Conservatives Whining about Manhood. Washington Post, May, 31, 2023​

Where Manhood is Fragile, Men Die YoungAPA Journals Spotlight, March 22, 2023

Men Across the Globe May Be Profoundly Affected by a Core Belief about ManhoodPsyPst, March 8, 2023

Masculinity in Jeopardy. Spektrum (German), Feb. 20, 2023

How Do Beliefs about the Precariousness of Manhood Impact Men's Health? SPSSPM, Dec. 31, 2022

Can Gossiping Ever Be Beneficial? Two Experts Weigh In? Oprah Daily, Dec. 9., 2022

Does (Hand) Size Matter? Inside the NFL's Fear of Tiny-Handed Quarterbacks. GQ, April 28, 2022

Staring at an Image of Yourself on Zoom Has Serious Consequences for Mental Health-- Especially For Women. The Conversation, April 22, 2022.

Women Who Make More Money Than Their Partner TWICE As Likely to Fake Orgasms, Study Reveals. Daily Mail, January 2022

Performative Masculinity is Making American Men SickVox, August, 2020

We Need Gossip Now More than Ever. Vice, May 2020

Masculinity: Toxic of Tenuous. SPSP Character and Context Blog, August, 2019

Man UpNPR Hidden Brain, October 2018

Who Am I? Commune, Sept. 2018

Gossiping is Good. The Atlantic July/August 2018

College Rape Prevention Programs Are Making Problem Worse, Study Finds. Newsweek, June 2018

2018's Best and Worst States for Working Dad's, WalletHub, June 2018

Want to Understand Straight Incels? Talk to This Gay One. Huffpost, May 2018

Emergency Responders and the Dangers of "Masculinity Contests". Harvard Business Review, March 2018

Here's the Least Surprising Thing Ever: Sexual Harassment is all About "Precarious Manhood." MEL Magazine, Oct 2017 

A Dating App You Love to Hate. CBS News Sunday Morning, Aug, 2017

This Map Shows What People Hate the Most in Each State. Huffpost, July 2017








Joining the Lab

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Our research would not be possible without the help of many talented undergraduate Research Assistants (RAs). When we have openings in our lab, we seek motivated, hard-working, responsible students with an interest in social psychology research. R.A. positions are ideally suited for students who are considering graduate school in psychology or related disciplines. When hirings R.A.s, we prioritze students who have taken these courses (or their equivalency):

  • Introduction to Psychological Science

  • Psychological Statistics

  • Research Methods in Psychology

  • Social Psychology


Other desirable qualities include:

  • A GPA of 3.4 or higher

  • Ability to commit for at least one full semester

  • Professional work ethic and conduct

  • Good communication skills (in email and in person)

  • 8-9 hours per week devoted to lab work (depending on responsibilities


Undergraduate RAs in our lab may participate for credit (as PSY4913, Directed Study) or on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in learning more about RA opportunities, please email Jennifer Bosson ( or Joe Vandello (


Graduate Opportunities

If you are interested in applying to graduate school in our Cognitive, Neuro, and Social (CNS) Psychology PhD program, please email Jennifer Bosson ( or Joe Vandello ( to ask whether we are recruiting graduate students.

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